Sunday, February 28, 2010

Weekend in Fort Worth

Daddy was running the Cowtown on Saturday so on Friday we went to Mimi's house (my great grandmother) to visit. She lives in Fort Worth. We stayed there with Mimi, Nana and Mia. I loved rocking in her chair. I am so big, I could make it rock all by myself.

Talking on daddy's cell phone at lunch.

Leaving the mall where we had lunch at Neimans.

On Saturday we went to Husdon's first Birthday. I had so much fun. Sterling got some new markers and coloring book. He was so nice to share them with me.

Coloring with Sterling.

Eating my hamburger.

I loved all of the balloons. This is me and the birthday boy Hudson playing with the yellow one.

Happy Birthday Hudson!


Unknown said...

How was lunch at Neimans? I didn't even know they served food.

lesliebcash said...

Jenny--he's adorable! I can't believe how grown up he looks. You must be such a proud Mommy!