As I am sure you have noticed we have had many playdates with Maggie this summer and here are two more. Last week we picked up Maggie and Ashley and headed to the park to feed the ducks. Will loved throwing the bread in and didn't even eat the bread this time. Maggie didn't really want to feed the ducks but she did roll down the little hill!
After we fed the ducks we went to the mall to play! Will liked climbing up the slide and then would wine at the top for me to help him slide down. In this picture Maggie is climbing up and Will is sliding down.
Will is such a good climber!
After we played hard we went to eat some lunch. Will loves to drink out of a straw. He also enjoyed eating his chicken and french fries dipped in katchup.
Today yet another playdate with Maggie. Ashley picked us up and we headed to Celebration Park. Will and Maggie enjoyed playing in the water as well as the park. Will is soo happy!